
GTB: TopoRecompute

Allows for the re-computation of the stream-based terrain parameters of the topo script. Usually, the topo script is computed once, however on closer observation we find that the choosen stream flow threshold did not delineate the watersheds appropiate. Therefore, to recompute the TP parameters based on this threshold, use this routine.


Input Data - Elevation


Command Call window with with stream threshold set to 25 cells

Threshold Parameter - The value will be used to identify pixels from the flowaccumulation grid which are supposed to be streams. Default value is 100. If stream network and subsequent derived terrain parameters need to be adjusted please used topowshd.


Stream network

Stream link network

Stream order

Stream Max Elevation

Unique Watershed Id

Watershed area

Watershed Maximum Elevation

Watershed Minimum Elevation

Percentile as percentage of elevation range within Watershed

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Page last modified on November 05, 2009, at 12:12 PM